with Jeffry KesslerMonday, October 5 @ 7pmJoin by Zoom For our Sukkot meditation, we will be focusing on the traditional Sukkot practice of inviting in the ushpizzin (the guests). By connecting with our ancestors (genetic &/or spiritual) and receiving their gifts, we’ll be breathing new life into our particular lineage for the year to come. For beginners and experienced meditators alike. No previous meditation or Jewish experience required. By donation. DONATION INFOOur meditation program is supported entirely by donations. Each contribution, small and large, allows us to keep bringing you meaningful offerings.• Donate......
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with Janet FalkWednesday, August 26, 8:15 – 9amElul dates: August 26, September 2, 9, and 16 (September dates with Jeffrey Kessler) Click here to join us on Zoom! During the month of Elul we will focus on preparing our hearts for the High Holy Days. This is the time that we are called – both individually and in community – to make teshuva, to return to our truest and best selves. Each mediation session will highlight teaching on key aspects of the teshuvah journey: returning to essence, repairing relationships, extending and receiving forgiveness,......
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with Jeffrey KesslerWednesdays, 8:15 – 9amElul dates: August 26 (with Janet Falk), September 2, 9, and 16 Click here to join us on Zoom! During the month of Elul we will focus on preparing our hearts for the High Holy Days. This is the time that we are called – both individually and in community – to make teshuva, to return to our truest and best selves. Each mediation session will highlight teaching on key aspects of the teshuvah journey: returning to essence, repairing relationships, extending and receiving forgiveness, deepening compassion for self......
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Community ConversationsSaturday, September 19 @ 2:30pmRSVP for a Zoom link RSVP One of the highlights of our High Holy Days has always been the personal connections among people and the deep sense of community that is created when we pray together. We are deeply saddened that we cannot observe in person this year due to the pandemic. So we’ve put together this special opportunity to gather, share, and connect with other folks. Simply choose your conversation. When you join us on September 19, you will be put in a Zoom breakout room with......
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In conversation with Jhos SingerSaturday, September 26 @ 7:30pm PSTcosponsored by Book Passage $9 Chochmat Members$9 Book Passage newsletter subscribers$18 General Public Buy Tickets Anne will read from her forthcoming book Dusk Night Dawn, exploring the hills and valleys of the spiritual path. Along with Moses and Elijah, Anne and Jhos Singer will travel from moments of existential exhaustion to moments of revival, from stunned and hopeless, to paths of renewal. Anne Lamott writes and speaks about what most of us don’t like to think about. In all her novels, she writes about loss – loss......
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Tuesday, September 22 @ 7pm PST$9 Chochmat Members$18 General PublicOr Pay What You Can Buy Tickets Join Lior Tsarfaty and special guests Melanie DeMore and Jami Sieber for a special High Holy Day Heartsongs focusing on the power and intention of prayer. Chanting in community is an ancient path to healing and expansion. We’ll learn and chant sacred Jewish prayers: prayers for healing, prayers for peace, devotional chants, and prayers that evoke joy and celebration. Bring your voice, fill your heart, lift your spirit! AboutLior Tsarfaty is Chochmat’s musical director as well as......
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Wednesday, September 23 6pm Pacific / 9pm EasternThis class is closed captionedCo-sponsored by SVARA: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva Tickets$9 Chochmat members and SVARAniks$18 nonmembers Buy Tickets Join Laynie Soloman, Director of National Learning & Faculty Member at SVARA, for an adventure into the art of rabbinic rebuke, or tochecha. During the High Holy Day season, we often imagine that the primary reparative work we must do is “teshuva,” making amends with those we have hurt and moving through a process of reconciliation. But how do we let others know they have hurt us, creating space for them......
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What Does It Mean to Pray (Tefillah)?with Rabbi Dorothy RichmanMonday, September 21 @ 7pm PST Tickets$9 Chochmat & Makor Or Members$18 General Public Buy Tickets Prayer, according to the rabbis of the Talmud, is avodah shebalev, the service of the heart. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel calls prayer “a microcosm of the soul.” Yet, how can a book filled with prayers other people wrote hundreds of years ago be a pathway to the individual, idiosyncratic Jewish soul? Looking at different stories of the High Priest featured throughout the High Holy day mahzor, we will explore radical re-imaginings of......
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Improv Sketching with Meg Adler (she/they)Cosponsored by Camp TawongaSunday, September 20 @ 7:30pm PDT$9 Chochmat Members & Tawonga Community Members$18 General PublicOr pay what you can, because we really want you to join us! Buy Tickets During the Days of Awe, we’re asked to look back on our actions of the past year, consider where we missed the mark, and ask forgiveness from those we have hurt. But what about forgiving ourselves? How can we release ourselves from what Audre Lorde calls the “paralysis of guilt” to clear our path and start again......
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A program for Tsofeem, families, and friends in honor of ReparationsSunday, August 23 On Zoom 10:30 – 11:30amTsofeem participants & their families – No charge (register to get your Zoom link)General Community – $5 Register Our country is in the midst of an uprising against anti-blackness. African Americans are demanding reparations and repair. How do we face this moment? To honor Reparations Sunday, we will share the story of artist and activist Bree Newsome who drew national attention in 2015 when she climbed the flagpole in front of the South Carolina Capitol building and......
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