Elul: Time to Return and Renew

Elul, the month before Rosh Hashanah, is traditionally a time of introspection and taking stock of where we have missed the mark. Known in Hebrew as cheshbon hanefesh, an accounting of the soul, our tradition invites us to return from these reflections with an open heart so that we may begin the year as our best, most essential self – a more connected friend, a generous partner, a kinder neighbor, an engaged member of our sacred community. In this way, we can truly transform our world from the inside out.

We offer these special programs to support us on this journey of return and renewal:

Sunday, August 20   •   10 am - 1 pm

Through ritual, movement, meditation and inspired teachings from the Jewish mystical tradition, we open ourselves to:

Renew: Experience the moment as new and enlivening. We wade into the space of beginner’s mind, original mind — the Rosh.  
Repair: We face what needs tikkun (repair) in our lives and offer it up to be restored in the buoyancy of our oceanic wholeness.
Receive: We listen for the kabbalah of our divine calling for the coming year, as new dimensions of Elohut (the Godfield) flow forth.  More info & registration »

Wednesday, August 23  •  7 - 9 pm

Join us this Elul for text study, meditation, and creative response to High Holy Day liturgy. We will unpack words and meanings, meditate on images, and open ourselves to a renewed relationship with our central prayers. While familiarity with Hebrew will be useful, those new to the language are welcome. Bring a journal, pen and art-making materials you enjoy using. Art supplies will also be provided for all. 

More info & registration »

Sunday, September, 10  •   10 am – 4 pm

We will gather to honor the teachings we have received from our beloved Rabbi Jonathan Omer-Man. His students, and his treasured partner, Nan Fink Gefen, will share the texts and lessons that have most deeply influenced their lives. There will be time for discussion in chevruta (study partners) and ample contemplative space for silence and melody. 

We would love for you to join us for the whole day, but feel free to come for part of the day. A detailed schedule will follow soon.

More info & registration »

Mondays   •   7 – 8:30 pm   •   August 29, September 5, 12, 19

Please join Chochmat HaLev’s Monday Night Meditation Group for a special Elul kick-off to the Days of Awe, and a year of Jewish Contemplative Practice. As the month of Elul invites us into an encounter with Teshuvah (Returning/Forgiveness), we will cycle through four levels of soul to foster reconnection and renewal in all the worlds we’re touching.  more info »

Wednesdays  •   8:15 – 9 am   •   August 30, September 7,14, 21, 28

The month of Elul provides the opportunity to prepare our hearts for the coming year in an intentional way.  The tradition is rich in teshuvah (return) teachings — teachings that challenge and guide us in returning to our best and truest selves.  more info »

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