Join the Chochmat Halev Community in our Sukkah!

Please join us for a celebratory afternoon of Sukkot. We will be creating art and decorating the Sukkah. There will be music with Lior, learning and light appetizers. If you would like to bring something vegetarian to add to the spread please do so. On Sukkot we have a ritual of inviting in a guest or ushpizin, so please feel welcome to bring a photo of a loved one and/or ancestor. You are also invited to bring a decoration from your own Sukkah. This is an event for ALL ages!

Please bring a picnic blanket or outdoor mat. If you can stay for even a half hour to help break down after the event, email Jenny.

Leah Shelleda is a published poet, a trained facilitator, and Professor Emeritus of Humanities & Philosophy at the College of Marin. Leah taught courses in World Religions and mythology, among others, for over 30 years. When she became interested in the neurology and practice of gratefulness, she studied with the Greater Good Science Center at U.C. Berkeley, and has given lectures and workshops to a variety of groups.

In-Person in the Chochmat HaLev Courtyard

Free for members

Individuals $15, Families $20


Oct 01 2023


3:00 pm - 5:30 pm


Chochmat Halev
2215 Prince Street
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