Chevra Kadisha: End of Life Advanced Care Planning Series
Chevra Kadisha: End of Life Advanced Care Planning Series for Chochmat HaLev Members
1-4pm last Sunday of the Month — 3/26, 4/30, 5/28, 6/25, 7/30
In-person at CHL for Chochmat HaLev Members
We are proud that Chochmat HaLev has an active Chevra Kadisha (Holy Jewish burial society). This group is sponsoring a 5 session workshop series on End of Life planning for our community. Each session will cover a different topic, including (see descriptions below) Advanced Care Directives, Spiritual Decision Making, Writing Your Ethical Will, Burial Discounts Available to CHL Members, and more. Please know: You don’t have to leave your Jewish community to realize your end-of-life wishes.
May 28th: Planning Your Story – writing and discussion workshop
In this third workshop, we’ll explore ideas about the support that we might need while traveling the “final passage”. The discussion will include a quick summary of the documents we discussed in the first Chevra Kadish workshops (Advance Directives, the POLST, and wills) then we’ll move on to imagining the emotional and practical needs that we might face in our last journey.
June 25th
This fourth workshop is about the ethical will. While the legal will distributes one’s property and money, the ethical will is our opportunity to describe the personal philosophy that has guided us in our lives, to express our appreciations and love to our family members and dearest friends, and perhaps even leave a little wise advice.
July 30th
This fifth and last session is about the different ways to deal with the body of the deceased: traditional Jewish burial practice as well as more modern methods such as cremation or disposition in places outside of a cemetery (for example at sea or in a forest). We will also discuss environmental/ecological considerations that may be part of this decision making. Guest speaker from Sinai Memorial and perhaps someone from Fernwood Cemetery. Those of us who have experienced the final disposition of a loved one may also talk about the emotional and philosophical affects of the advanced decisions made by the deceased.
In this third workshop, we’ll explore ideas about the support that we might need while traveling the “final passage”. The discussion will include a quick summary of the documents we discussed in the first Chevra Kadish workshops (Advance Directives, the POLST, and wills) then we’ll move on to imagining the emotional and practical needs that we might face in our last journey.
June 25th
This fourth workshop is about the ethical will. While the legal will distributes one’s property and money, the ethical will is our opportunity to describe the personal philosophy that has guided us in our lives, to express our appreciations and love to our family members and dearest friends, and perhaps even leave a little wise advice.
July 30th
This fifth and last session is about the different ways to deal with the body of the deceased: traditional Jewish burial practice as well as more modern methods such as cremation or disposition in places outside of a cemetery (for example at sea or in a forest). We will also discuss environmental/ecological considerations that may be part of this decision making. Guest speaker from Sinai Memorial and perhaps someone from Fernwood Cemetery. Those of us who have experienced the final disposition of a loved one may also talk about the emotional and philosophical affects of the advanced decisions made by the deceased.
**This event is free, and ONLY available to CHL Members** (donations welcome).
For questions, please email ck@chochmat.org.