Tweenish Lounge

Hello Families,

We are excited to announce we have a space for tweens & teens! This is a place to hang out should they want or need a break from Shabbat Services.

Kids will be allowed to hang out in the lounge next to the social hall during services. This is a HUGE privilege, and we hope kids will respect the following boundaries should they want to hang out. Please review these guidelines with your kids!!!

1. This is a quiet space for socializing. Kids can of course talk, read, do art or play games, but it is NOT for loud play.

2. Under NO circumstances can kids leave the building. Kids can hang out in the lounge, but cannot hang out in the garden as the noise from the garden/courtyard travels up into the sanctuary.

3. Kids should not walk in and out of services as it is a major distraction.

Lastly, there will be an oneg type snack plate for kids should they want it. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions!

Jenny (Head of Family Programming)

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