Tag: yiddish

Great Songs of the Yiddish Theater

And Khanike Songs!with Cindy PaleySunday, November 21 @ 11amIn collaboration with KlezCaliforniaBy donation – RSVP to get the Zoom link The American Yiddish musical theater was a powerful force in the turn-of-the-century immigrant experience. The theater brought to life the immigrant’s dreams, their difficulties in the new world, and the nostalgia for their old country. We’ll sing songs by Molly Picon. Aaron Lebedeff, and the great composers: Alexander Olshanetsky, Abraham Ellstein, Joseph Rumsinsky, Sholom Secunda and others. We’ll close with Khanike songs. Lomir Zingen!  About Cindy Paley» Cindy Paley has delighted Jewish communities with her timeless......

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God of Vengeance - Back by Popular Demand

An artful adaptation of Sholem Asch’s ground-breaking 1906 play. Presented by the Yiddish Theatre EnsembleDirected by Bruce BiermanEnglish translation by Caraid O’Brien Streaming from Sunday May 2 thru Monday, May 31, 2021 (video 100 min) Back by popular demand for the month of May! This recent production was hailed by audiences as a “Zoom masterpiece”… “a tour de force”… “Stunning!!” Don’t miss it!!Ticket Information  Digital Event Online Only Tickets: $18 – $45 Note: $45 tickets include a special invite to our “Talk Back” Conversation with the production team and special guests on Sunday, May 23, 4:00pm PDT.......

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Don't Knock Me a Tea Kettle

with Michael WexSunday, March 14  |   11am – 12:45pmIn collaboration with KlezCaliforniaBy donation – RSVP to get the Zoom linkNote that we change to Daylight Saving Time the day of this event; don’t miss the first hour! RSVP HERE Michael Wex will look at a few well-known Yiddish expressions and their sources to see what they tell us about the history, nature, and attitudes of the language and about why Jews felt that they needed a language of their own.    Michael Wex is the author of three books on Yiddish, including the bestselling Born......

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God of Vengeance

An artful adaptation of Sholem Asch’s ground-breaking 1906 play. Presented by the Yiddish Theatre EnsembleDirected by Bruce BiermanEnglish translation by Caraid O’Brien Streaming from Saturday, March 20 @ 8:30pm to Tuesday, March 23 @ 11:30pm PSTYour access information will be sent today (March 20) at 6pm Pacific Time. You may view multiple times.Run time 100 min. Tickets: $18, $36, $54 All ticket sales are final. Note: $54 tickets include a special invite to our VIP Conversation on Sunday, March 21, 4pm PST. With host Sara Felder and God of Vengeance cast members Tickets ABOUT THE......

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"Deli Man" - A Nosh & Schmooze

with …. Erik Greenberg Anjou, Deli Man director Peter Levitt, Executive Chef and Co-Owner of Saul’s Deli, Berkeleyand Joel ben Izzy,  author and storyteller, as the MC Tuesday, March 16  |  7-8:30pm  |  on Zoom For Chochmat Members – RSVP to get your linkNot a member? Sign up here RSVP for Chochmat Members For some, delicatessen food is close to a religious experience. Ready for a little fun? Join us for an evening with Deli Man director, Erik Greenberg Anjou, and Peter Levitt of Saul’s Deli. Erik and Peter will entertain us with some stories and......

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Purim Masked Comedy

with Bruce BiermanSunday, February 28 | 11am – 12:45pm Pacific | on ZoomIn collaboration with KlezCaliforniaBy donation – RSVP to reserve your spot Welcome to a Yiddish theater experience creating the hilarious stock characters from Megiles Ester (The Book of Esther) with the whole body and voice! The roots of the Purim Shpil and Jewish theater reach back to the Medieval European mystery plays and the influence of the wildly popular buffoonery of the Commedia Dell’arte. We will explore precise character shtick handed down for centuries, how to bring a mask alive, and how to act out all our earthly ridiculous......

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Jeanette Lewicki with accordion

A Sing-Along with Jeanette LewickiSunday, January 31 | 11am – 12:45pm Pacific | On ZoomA collaboration with KlezCaliforniaBy donation – RSVP to reserve your spot Sing along with songs for dancing, laughing, clapping, toe-tapping, celebration, and warming up a crowd. We will include upbeat tunes with comical lyrics from Prince Nazaroff, Aaron Lebedeff, the Ruth Rubin collection, and some of Jeanette’s own arrangements for the gonifs klezmer band and the San Francisco Klezmer Experience (a.k.a. Klez-X)! These are great songs for a group or a band, or to sing around the house, and we will......

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