What Does It Mean to Pray (Tefillah)?with Rabbi Dorothy RichmanMonday, September 21 @ 7pm PST Tickets$9 Chochmat & Makor Or Members$18 General Public Buy Tickets Prayer, according to the rabbis of the Talmud, is avodah shebalev, the service of the heart. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel calls prayer “a microcosm of the soul.” Yet, how can a book filled with prayers other people wrote hundreds of years ago be a pathway to the individual, idiosyncratic Jewish soul? Looking at different stories of the High Priest featured throughout the High Holy day mahzor, we will explore radical re-imaginings of......
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Saturday, September 199:30 – 10:15amRegistration coming soon TicketsYouth Program – Included in your enrollment (you’ll automatically be RSVP’d)Chochmat Members – $5General Public – $10 TICKETS Join Rabbi Lynn’s Rosh Hashanah celebration for youth and families and those who love them. We will co-create the New Year story of Ziz and the Gathering of Birds. This mystical tale celebrates the power of community to renew itself again and again. You are invited to bring a shofar, percussion instrument, apples and honey, grape juice, a round sweet bread (challah), a tallit and your bird puppet,......
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Join Rabbi Lynn and the Youth & Family Program for their monthly Saturday-morning Shabbat service with shofar blowing, blessings, and prayer. This service will also include Rabbi Lynn’s telling of Gershon’s Monster – a story of self-forgiveness for Rosh Hashanah....
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Keys of the Heart: A Story to Teach us About Jewish Self Love and the unexpected guardians of tradition.Sunday, September 27 @ 4pm on Zoom Tickets Youth Program – Included in the cost of the program (you will automatically be sent the Zoom link)Chochmat Members – $5General Public – $10 TICKETS Yom Kippur is a day to honor the beauty of our tradition as a pathway to healing the world, and our own Jewish hearts. Sefardic Jewish families have ancestors that came from Spain or Portugal. Sephardic Jews were forcibly displaced from their homes......
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Preparing for the High Holy Days with Rabbi Dorothy RichmanA 2-Session Jewish Meditation IntensiveAugust 30 & September 6 @ 7pm $9 per day – Chochmat & Makor Or Members $18 per day – General Public Pay what you can (because we really want you to join us and price should not be an obstacle) Festival Pass – all Elul events $36 members or $72 nonmembers Register The Hebrew month of Elul is a time for soulful introspection and preparation. How is the reality of living through a pandemic affecting us, body, and soul?......
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Preparing for the High Holy Days with Rabbi Dorothy RichmanA 2-Session Jewish Meditation IntensiveAugust 30 & September 6 @ 7pm $9 per day – Chochmat & Makor Or Members $18 per day – General Public Pay what you can (because we really want you to join us and price should not be an obstacle) Festival Pass – all Elul events $36 members or $72 nonmembers Register The Hebrew month of Elul is a time for soulful introspection and preparation. How is the reality of living through a pandemic affecting us, body, and soul?......
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