The Book of Joshua (7-11)Thursday, February 117pm on Zoom By donationRSVP to get the Zoom link Registration “Never again did there arise in Israel a prophet like Moses.” Our Torah Scroll ends with the death of Moses and the People of Israel poised to enter the Promised Land. What a classic cliffhanger! But the story of the Jewish people continues and the book of Nevi’im, or Prophets, chronicles both the history of early settlement of and exile from The Land and the ever challenging and changing relationship between a people and their concept......
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Tuesday, January 192:30 – 2:45pmon Zoom Register Here Please gather with us on Zoom as we join communities across the nation to honor our loved ones, friends, and neighbors who have died of Covid in this last year. We are blessed to be in loving community during this challenging time, and to have a powerful faith tradition to draw upon for strength and connection. In this Moment of Remembrance, we’ll sing, recite the Kaddish, and share the names of those we are remembering....
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The Book of Joshua (1-6)Thursday, January 147pm on Zoom By donationRSVP to get the Zoom link RSVP “Never again did there arise in Israel a prophet like Moses.” Our Torah Scroll ends with the death of Moses and the People of Israel poised to enter the Promised Land. What a classic cliffhanger! But the story of the Jewish people continues and the book of Nevi’im, or Prophets, chronicles both the history of early settlement of and exile from The Land and the ever challenging and changing relationship between a people and their concept......
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Wednesday, October 76 – 7:30pm TICKETSChochmat members – RSVP to get the link (admission included with membership)General Public – $5 TICKETS Bring your dinner out to your sukkah (or patio, porch, or even under a palm leaf in your living room) and join us for a virtual community meal. We will begin together in a short meditative discussion between Jeffrey Kessler and Lisa Strongin on the themes of this holiday and then we’ll break out into smaller groups to introduce your special guest (ushpiza) to and enjoy your dinner along with some of......
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with Jeffry KesslerMonday, October 5 @ 7pmJoin by Zoom For our Sukkot meditation, we will be focusing on the traditional Sukkot practice of inviting in the ushpizzin (the guests). By connecting with our ancestors (genetic &/or spiritual) and receiving their gifts, we’ll be breathing new life into our particular lineage for the year to come. For beginners and experienced meditators alike. No previous meditation or Jewish experience required. By donation. DONATION INFOOur meditation program is supported entirely by donations. Each contribution, small and large, allows us to keep bringing you meaningful offerings.• Donate......
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with Janet FalkWednesday, August 26, 8:15 – 9amElul dates: August 26, September 2, 9, and 16 (September dates with Jeffrey Kessler) Click here to join us on Zoom! During the month of Elul we will focus on preparing our hearts for the High Holy Days. This is the time that we are called – both individually and in community – to make teshuva, to return to our truest and best selves. Each mediation session will highlight teaching on key aspects of the teshuvah journey: returning to essence, repairing relationships, extending and receiving forgiveness,......
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In conversation with Jhos SingerSaturday, September 26 @ 7:30pm PSTcosponsored by Book Passage $9 Chochmat Members$9 Book Passage newsletter subscribers$18 General Public Buy Tickets Anne will read from her forthcoming book Dusk Night Dawn, exploring the hills and valleys of the spiritual path. Along with Moses and Elijah, Anne and Jhos Singer will travel from moments of existential exhaustion to moments of revival, from stunned and hopeless, to paths of renewal. Anne Lamott writes and speaks about what most of us don’t like to think about. In all her novels, she writes about loss – loss......
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