with Jeffrey KesslerMonday, September 7 @ 7pmby donationOn Zoom In preparation for the High Holy Days, our meditation will focus on Teshuvah — or Return — to a place of deepening connection. Internally, Teshuvah is all about returning to essence, purifying our hearts, and activating deeper levels of consciousness. Outwardly, Teshuvah involves repairing our relationships and re-aligning the way we move through the world. The goal is simple: to become our better selves through the transformative power of awareness. No experience is necessary — only the wish to engage in self-reflection. By donation......
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Intimacy and Connection: An Invitationwith Jueli Garfinkle Monday, August 24, 7 – 8:30pmJoin by Zoom Join the contemplative community at Chochmat HaLev for an intimate evening of meditation, chant, and sharing. The month preceding Rosh Hashanah provides greater personal access to the Divine than at any other time of year. We will engage the potentially transformative journey that leads us into the Jewish new year of 5781. The evening of meditation will offer accessible practices to help open your heart, connect to the Divine, and encourage meaningful contact during these unprecedented times. Teachings......
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Jeffrey KesslerWednesdays – 8:15 am-9:00 am Click here to join us on Zoom! For Sukkot, we will creatively engage with the traditional ritual of shaking the lulav, as a way of purifying the space around and within us. Torah is our technology for encountering the Divine Presence. Silence provides a necessary space for that encounter. According to Jewish tradition, the Presence dwells continually within and around us, but we must learn deep listening to receive its generative wisdom. Shemah – in a word that sounds like an exhalation of breath, we are......
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with Jeffry KesslerMonday, October 5 @ 7pmJoin by Zoom For our Sukkot meditation, we will be focusing on the traditional Sukkot practice of inviting in the ushpizzin (the guests). By connecting with our ancestors (genetic &/or spiritual) and receiving their gifts, we’ll be breathing new life into our particular lineage for the year to come. For beginners and experienced meditators alike. No previous meditation or Jewish experience required. By donation. DONATION INFOOur meditation program is supported entirely by donations. Each contribution, small and large, allows us to keep bringing you meaningful offerings.• Donate......
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with Janet FalkWednesday, August 26, 8:15 – 9amElul dates: August 26, September 2, 9, and 16 (September dates with Jeffrey Kessler) Click here to join us on Zoom! During the month of Elul we will focus on preparing our hearts for the High Holy Days. This is the time that we are called – both individually and in community – to make teshuva, to return to our truest and best selves. Each mediation session will highlight teaching on key aspects of the teshuvah journey: returning to essence, repairing relationships, extending and receiving forgiveness,......
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with Jeffrey KesslerWednesdays, 8:15 – 9amElul dates: August 26 (with Janet Falk), September 2, 9, and 16 Click here to join us on Zoom! During the month of Elul we will focus on preparing our hearts for the High Holy Days. This is the time that we are called – both individually and in community – to make teshuva, to return to our truest and best selves. Each mediation session will highlight teaching on key aspects of the teshuvah journey: returning to essence, repairing relationships, extending and receiving forgiveness, deepening compassion for self......
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What Does It Mean to Pray (Tefillah)?with Rabbi Dorothy RichmanMonday, September 21 @ 7pm PST Tickets$9 Chochmat & Makor Or Members$18 General Public Buy Tickets Prayer, according to the rabbis of the Talmud, is avodah shebalev, the service of the heart. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel calls prayer “a microcosm of the soul.” Yet, how can a book filled with prayers other people wrote hundreds of years ago be a pathway to the individual, idiosyncratic Jewish soul? Looking at different stories of the High Priest featured throughout the High Holy day mahzor, we will explore radical re-imaginings of......
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Mondays, 7 – 8:30pm by donationOnly on Zoom Check out our Timeline of Jewish Meditation » EVENT DESCRIPTION Come Deepen Your Practice of Jewish Meditation Want to see God (or at least It’s shadow)? Lower your blood pressure? Manage your spiritual confusion? Connect with a deeper Jewish consciousness? Learn about Judaism’s esoteric side? Get a whiff of enlightenment? Just as healthy foods nourish our body, Jewish meditation nourishes our soul. It has been around for centuries and includes forms such as chanting, visualization, silence, and movement. It can revitalize and transform Judaism from the blasé......
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with Jeffrey KesslerWednesdays | 8:15 – 9amBy Donation | On Zoom Check out our Timeline of Jewish Meditation » Torah is our technology for encountering the Divine Presence. Silence provides a necessary space for that encounter. According to Jewish tradition, the Presence dwells continually within and around us, but we must learn deep listening to receive its generative wisdom. Shemah – in a word that sounds like an exhalation of breath, we are directed to listen in order to understand the Divine Oneness. We are to open to this Oneness with all of......
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Cultivating the Wisdom of Our Heartswith Jhos Singer, Julie Batz, and Lior TsarfatyFridays, 5:30 – 6:30pmOn ZoomMeeting ID 826 946 797Passcode 941869 Join Jhos, Julie, and Lior in chants and a meditation circle. Share support, care, and the sweetness of our community as we prepare to enter Shabbat. DONATION INFOOur Shabbat services are supported by donation. Each donation, small and large, allows us to continue with this offering.• Donate online chochmat.org/give• Venmo @chochmat (phone 510-704-1767)• Paypal shalom@chochmat.org ZOOM INFOIf you are new to Zoom, join early and follow the prompts to download the free software.Join with video......
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