
Sukkot: A Festival of Ingathering

Thursday, October 17 • 7 - 8:30 pm

at Chochmat Halev in the Sukkah

We gather in the Sukkah to perform the ancient Temple ceremony of Hakel – when men, women, children and even strangers were brought together to celebrate the harvest and pray to the Divine (as stated in Devarim 31:10 13). We will practice Upatzim, where each of us will call on our ancestors, teachers and mentors to join us. We will then read poetry and offer prayers, including Tefilat Geshem, the prayer for rain, using a version where we invoke our female biblical ancestors. After small group sharing for guided contemplation and reflection, we will end with the Sukkot Temple ritual of the pouring of wine and water.
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Join the Chochmat Halev Community in our Sukkah!

Sunday, October 20 • 3:00 - 5:00 pm

at Chochmat Halev in the Sukkah

Please join us for a celebratory afternoon of Sukkot. We will be creating art and decorating the Sukkah. There will be music, learning and light appetizers. If you would like to bring something to add to the spread please do so. On Sukkot we have a ritual of inviting in a guest or ushpizin, so please feel welcome to bring a photo of a loved one and/or ancestor. You are also invited to bring a decoration from your own Sukkah. This is an event for ALL ages! 
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Tikkun ha'Middot

Tuesday evenings, Starting October 22. •. 7:00 - 8:30 pm

at Chochmat Halev

In this study group, we will explore ancient and contemporary Jewish wisdom teachings on Tikkun ha’Middot, along with insights from the world’s great faith traditions. Each session will focus on a single soul trait through text study, storytelling, chanting, simple movement and meditation practices. 
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