Illuminate Chochmat’s bright future by supporting our annual SHINE fundraising campaign. Brighten Chochmat HaLev during the darkest time of the year by helping us reach our $26,000 goal.
Your donation of any size supports our wonderful community, helps cover operating expenses, and kickstarts 2023 with:
– Sliding scale membership and high holiday ticket options, workshop discounts
– 2023 Security Greeter and Chevra Kadisha Trainings
– Expanding partnership programming throughout the East Bay
– Increased intergenerational celebrations, family potlucks, and HeartSpace gatherings
For every $180 donated, we turn on one bulb until CHOCHMAT shines as a golden path forward. Our member dues currently only cover 50% of our regular operating expenses. We rely on donations to keep us going and growing. This is a crucial time in our history, please support us in manifesting our bright future by donating via the link below.
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