Parking, Accessibility & Information


  • Parking is very limited around the church, so please use public transport. bicycle or carpool, if feasible.
  • Leave enough time to park and find a seat before services start.
  • It is especially important to be on time for Kol Nidre.
  • Parking passes will be available for extended parking in 2-hour residential zones around the church during the services.


Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

First Presbyterian Church | 2407 Dana St, Berkeley, CA 94704

Parking Pass for all High Holiday services at the First Presbyterian Church

Parking Pass for the Torah Study and Contemplative Service at Chochmat Halev on 10/4

Printing your parking permit ahead of time will allow you to easily enter services without returning to your car. Permits will also be available at the door.

NOTE: Our parking passes are not valid RPP (Residential Preferential Parking) permits. To see where these restricted areas are, click here. Please be careful – you will be towed and cited if you park in these areas.

For a list of all Blue Zones (ADA parking spots) in the City of Oakland, click here.


  • For our High Holy Day services at First Presbyterian Church, we will offer a designated “Masked Only” area near an open door for people wanting to be masked and sitting near other masked people. There will be signage in this area. Please ask an usher if you need help finding this section.
  • The restrooms in the sanctuary building are not wheelchair accessible. There is an ADA compliant restroom in the building next door.
  • Please refrain from wearing scented products to accommodate those with environmental sensitivities.
  • If you need other accommodation or assistance, please contact the office 1 week in advance: 510-704-9687 or email


  • Attire – Many people have the custom of wearing white, symbolizing purity. On Yom Kippur, to return to simplicity, some do not wear leather, jewelry or make-up.
  • Al Cheit cards The Yamim Noraim, (Days of Awe, or High Holy Days) are designed to inspire us to engage in Cheshbon Hanefesh (spiritual evaluation) and to make Tikkun (reparation) in our hearts, families, workplaces, communities, and world. Filling out an al cheit card is an opportunity for you to name and acknowledge misdeeds from the past year, as well as what still needs healing within you. Cards are offered at Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre. Click here to download the form.
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