

Soulful Coworking

Are you looking for community and connection during your work day, not just on nights and weekends? Do you want to bring more meaning and purpose into your work?

Join us for OpenLev, a soulful coworking experience at Chochmat HaLev where you are invited to bring intentionality and mindfulness into how you work while connecting with open-hearted seekers. Come in the morning, stay for the day; come in the morning, leave after lunch; come for lunch, stay for the afternoon.

Our next session is Wednesday, February 19 2025 – Register here!


  • A quiet and well-appointed space conducive to getting working done
  • Check-ins and intention-setting for help with meeting your goals  
  • Vegetarian Community Potluck Lunch
  • Options for mindfulness breaks such as stretching, breathwork, meditation, and neighborhood walks 
  • Uninterrupted deep work time
  • Professional skill-sharing
  • Volunteer: Sign ups to contribute your gifts to our community experience


  • Community center in a beautiful quiet neighborhood in South Berkeley 
  • Large airy light-filled room with tables and chairs for co-working, as well as smaller room for quiet work – all with strong wifi and power outlets
  • Grassy open courtyard for working, relaxing, and hanging out  
  • Social area with sofas and chairs
  • Noise-insulated booth for private phone calls or video meetings
  • Open kitchen, as well as coffee and tea available all day
  • Sanctuary space for meditation and quiet contemplation
  • Charming neighborhood for stroll breaks or walking meetings and calls


  • Anyone who has flexibility on where they work and is looking to get out of the house during the day
  • Anyone who wants to be around others during the workday, as well as make new friends, while still being able to get work done
  • Anyone who wants a deeper integration between their spiritual selves and professional selves 
  • Anyone who could benefit from more intentionality and accountability in their day
  • Anyone Jewish, Jewish adjacent, or just curious about and open to soulful co-working
  • Retired, semi-retired, funemployed, in-between gigs folks looking for a place to be in community while doing something focused


  • This is not an unstructured social hang – this is primarily for people who want to get work done during the day.
  • This is not your average co-working space – while you will have ample time and space to get your work done, you’ll also be invited to participate in community activities and offerings.  


  • We ask for a fee of $18-54 for Non-Members to cover amenities and support throughout the day. Members join for Free!
  • Bring your own food and/or beverage as needed – we will provide tea and coffee. Bring a potluck dish to share for lunch, and any snacks for our communal snack table.
  • Example Schedules include: 9am- 1:00 pm for opening circle and lunch; 1:00-5:30p for lunch, meditation, closing circle and clean-up;  or drop in and out throughout the day.
  • There will be limited spaces for phone calls and video conferences so please plan to keep meetings to a minimum on these days to maintain the collective experience throughout the day.


Zvika Krieger is the Rabbi of Chochmat HaLev. He has served in board and leadership positions for Sukkat Shalom/Milk+Honey camp at Burning Man, Jewish Studio Project, Temple of the Stranger, Wilderness Torah, and other organizations dedicated to nourishing the mind, body, and soul. He previously served as Facebook/Meta’s first-ever Director of Responsible Innovation, created and led the World Economic Forum’s Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and served as the US Department of State’s first-ever “Ambassador to Silicon Valley.” He is a certified Shadow Work facilitator and Design Thinking facilitator, certified as “God” with “Talk to God”, and trained as an ecstatic dance DJ by Embodied Sound.  

Brittany Berman is a skilled facilitator and immersive game designer with more than 2 decades of experience in helping teams and individuals connect, play and learn together.  She is also a memoir interviewer, storyteller, and amateur stand-up comedian.  Brittany grew up outside of Chicago and has a midwestern sensibility. She values a big imagination and seeks to bring this curiosity and sense of playfulness to Chochmat. She believes people who are struggling need to be seen and heard, and makes space for this in her life through her deep skills in counseling and support. As the Community Weaver at Chochmat, Brittany’s goal is to help you feel more at home at Chochmat and to find ways for you to connect more deeply with the community and each other – whether you’re a long-time Chochmat member or just joined.   If you are new to Chochmat, or developing a “Chochmat Crush” she’d also love to welcome you into our family. Please reach out to Brittany to say hello at! 

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