Omer Campaign



We have been sustained and brought to this very season – a season of great uncertainty and springtime beauty.

During the 49 days of the Omer counting, between Pesach and Shavuot, our tradition asks us to refine ourselves – to gather the gifts we’ve been given and to share them out into the world.

Now is the time for us to sustain the community that has sustained us. The time for us to express our gratitude in the form of generosity. The collective gathering of our gifts, both material and spiritual, is the foundation for our future together. For a strong foundation, all of us need to make abundant offerings. 

And speaking of abundance, several of you have recently asked us…

How is Chochmat HaLev financially supported?

Glad you asked! Almost half of our budget comes from Membership Dues — thank you, dear members! The next biggest piece, almost a third, comes from donations. This handy chart outlines all of our income.

Three times a year we ask for donations (High Holy Days, Hanukah, and the Omer) to bring in a total of $150,000. This gives us enough money to cover our basic expenses – mortgage, utilities, salaries, program expenses, office supplies, etc. Our target goal for our Omer Campaign is usually $65,000.

Every year we come to this mountain and it always feels daunting to ask for what we need.

Income SourceAmount% of Budget
Membership Dues$233,00047%

One thing is clear. Together is the only way we can move forward to the future we are envisioning.

This year, as we look toward reopening, we realize that we are also facing some unexpected expenses. For example, the State of California has issued a Ventilation, Filtration, and Air Quality Guide, stating “Effective ventilation is one of the most important ways to control small aerosol transmission.”

As Dorrit walked around our beloved synagogue to assess the air flow, she realized that we would have to make an investment into reopening safely. A list of some things she identified is below. The estimated cost of these upgrades is around $20,000. This means we need to raise $85,000 this Omer – $65,000 for our general expenses and $20,000 for our reopening expenses.

Every year, we come to this mountain, and it always feels a little daunting to ask for what we need. Is the mountain too high? Can we reach the summit? Can we inspire each other to an outpouring of generosity?

This is the time for us to express our joy and commitment, time for everyone to pitch in and support the community we love. After a year like none we’ve known, Chochmat HaLev is still standing strong – providing on-line services and classes, holy day celebrations and life-cycle observances that sustain and nourish the soul. 

We endure as a sacred, heart-centered community through your participation and generosity.  As we count the 49 days between Pesach and Shavuot, between liberation and revelation, stand up and be counted with your donation – be counted among those whose generosity brings new light and blessing into the world.

Window Repairsapprox. 20Many of our windows need to be repaired because they do not open (including 3 bathroom windows)
Portable Air Purifier with HEPA filter2 dozenEspecially useful during fire season when we can’t open windows
Window Fans2 dozenTo help with air movement
Portable AC4 unitsAlso for use during fire season, and one Dorrit’s office which is unbearably hot all summer long
Whole House Fan2 units + installationTo circulate air in the sanctuary
Extra N95 masks a few casesFor staff and folks who forget theirs
Video equipmentSo we can continue livestreaming for those who prefer not to attend in person.
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