For Our Families

As part of our High Holy Days, we are offering special programs for children and families.

Childcare will be available on site for children ages 4-11.  On Rosh Hashanah, we will have childcare for the evening and morning services; on Yom Kippur, we will have childcare for the evening and morning services but not for the Yizkor and Neilah services.  We will offer holiday specific programming and music during the daytime services and appropriate activities on erev Rosh Hashanah and erev Yom Kippur. Families are required to reserve a spot and pay a childcare fee in advance of the holidays.  Registration must be submitted by 9/24/24 for Rosh Hashanah and by 10/1/2-24 for Yom Kippur in order for us to have sufficient staff to care for your children.

Childcare fees are $30 per service.  For families with two children, the fee is $45 per service; for 3 children, $60.

Childcare sign up will be offered when you register for High Holidays.

Children are welcome at our High Holiday services with appropriate adult supervision. They must be in childcare (if pre-registered) or with an adult at all times. To ensure the safety of all our children, we do not want them running around outside, or inside the sanctuary.

With your cooperation, we can ensure their safety and the sanctity of the prayerful space we create together.

We suggest you bring a favorite quiet toy or book for your children. If your child needs a break, please leave via the front doors. When you are ready to return to services, enter quietly and signal to our greeters that you’ve already checked in. We do not have staff to supervise your children in the foyer, upstairs, sanctuary, restrooms, or outside. Thank you.

Rosh Hashanah Second Day: Picnic & Tashlich Ritual

Friday, October 4 • Picnic 1 pm • Family Programming 1:30 pm

Chochmat Halev and Urban Adamah

Chochmat Halev and Urban Adamah are partnering for a community picnic and Tashlich ritual on the farm.
More info »

Join the Chochmat Halev Community in our Sukkah!

Sunday, October 20 • 3:00 - 5:00 pm

at Chochmat Halev in the Sukkah

Please join us for a celebratory afternoon of Sukkot. We will be creating art and decorating the Sukkah. There will be music, learning and light appetizers. If you would like to bring something to add to the spread please do so. On Sukkot we have a ritual of inviting in a guest or ushpizin, so please feel welcome to bring a photo of a loved one and/or ancestor. You are also invited to bring a decoration from your own Sukkah. This is an event for ALL ages! 
More info »




Click here for parking information and directions »




In consultation from our medical advisor, Chochmat HaLev will no longer check Covid vaccination status at events.

We will continue to require N-95, KN-95, or surgical masking for indoor events.  Masks must cover your nose and mouth at all times.  Cloth masks and ventilated masks of any kind are not acceptable.  Appropriate masks will be provided as needed.

We will provide passive ventilation (e.g. open windows and doors under the supervision of security-trained personnel) and other equipment as available.

Do NOT attend any Chochmat HaLev event:

  • If you are experiencing any potential symptoms of COVID-19 or other illness
  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days and have not had a negative antigen test on Day 6 or later
  • If you have had a known exposure to COVID-19 in the past 3-5 days
  • If a household member has tested positive in the last 10 days and has not had a negative antigen test on Day 6 or later




More info coming soon.

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