Yom Kippur Day
Contemplative Service
Wednesday, October 5 • 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Service Leader: Lior Tsarfaty
Special Guests: Melanie DeMore | Starhawk | Laura Goldman | Jeffrey Kessler
Our hearts are open and vulnerable:
Through compassion we can heal and be healed
The journey inward continues as we enter the courtyard of the Contemplative Service. Skilled service leaders, Jeffrey Kessler and Lior Tsarfaty will open the gate with special guests Melanie DeMore, Laura Goldman, and Starhawk. Our inner work will be supported with beautiful chants, soulful music, extended periods of silence, and gifts of deep insight.
Multi Access Locations
All Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services will be live at First Presbyterian Church in Berkeley, CA and livestreamed via Zoom
High Holy Days 5783
Tuesday, October 4 | Erev Yom Kippur »
Wednesday, October 5 | Yom Kippur Day »
Wednesday, October 5 | Torah and Musaf »
Wednesday, October 5 | Yizkor & Neilah »