Yom Kippur Day Workshops

Saturday, October 12  • 3:15 pm

The workshops are free for all those attending our Yom Kippur services.

Art as Midrash

On Yom Kippur, during the exquisite hours of inner reflection before the closing of the gates, choosing what to bring forward to the new year and what to leave behind can be challenging. This Art as Midrash workshop invites you to quietly unravel and express some of your personal High Holiday prayers and reflections — through making an art work, writing, or simply by sitting in silent meditation. If you feel called to make something, a variety of art and craft supplies are available. If writing, paper and pens are here. For those who wish to share their experience verbally, we will offer a forum during the workshop’s final 15 minutes.

Chochmat Art Committee members: Nadine Rosenthal and friends

Restoration and Repair

A powerful restoration practice is a transformative tool for maintaining trust and connection within our communities and relationships, and  can even give us the confidence to take more risks together. The Gold Standard Apology is a six-step process informed by the best minds in restorative and transformative justice; anti-racism, and conscious communication. Activities include dyad story shares and discussion of the most common pitfalls of harmful apologies and the art of forgiveness. Participants emerge with an elevated and even transcendent understanding of what real accountability actually looks like, and a concrete practice for conducting restoration in their own lives.

Mischa Byruck

Mischa Byruck is a men’s integrity coach. He supports his clients to turn their biggest mistakes into their greatest opportunities for transformation. He also consults to organizations to bring greater accountability, power awareness and trauma-informedness to leaders. He is certified in somatic trauma therapy, with extensive training in harm reduction, counseling, sexuality, and antiracism. His clients have included organizations like ISTA and DanceSafe, he is the consent education partner for Bonobo Network and Bloom, and the official accountability referral partner of The Consent Academy. His writing has been published in O.School, the New Modality, and The Good Men Project. Previously, Mischa founded forLove, a virtual erotic events company, ran partnerships for DataKind and Code for America, and founded a $10 million humanitarian relief organization. He has a BA from Columbia and an MPA from NYU.

Ancestral Connection

L’dor V’dor: From generation to generation. We each stand at the head of a long line of ancestors that reach back in time, more than simply our parents and grandparents, yet we commonly only reach out to nearby generations. Join Wilderness Torah elders Ellie Schindelman and Naomi Baran for a workshop that includes a guided meditation that can open a door to ancestral connection.

Ellie Schindelman and Naomi Baran

Ellie Schindelman is honored to be an “elder at large” in the rich multi-generational community of Wilderness Torah. This past year, Ellie developed a new elder rites of passage program for WT called “From Older to Elder” which launched this summer. Ellie has been leading Ancestral Connection workshops at Yom Kippur retreats with WT for the last few years, and is glad to bring it to Chochmat this year.

Naomi Baran is a member of the inaugural “Older to Elder” Wilderness Torah cohort. As a psychotherapist, Naomi works with ancestral connection as a part of family and cultural healing and repair. Her work is enriched by weaving the threads of life and death, grief and loss, creativity and ritual.

The workshops are free for all those attending our Yom Kippur services.


עָמוק מְי יִמצָאֶֽנּו
Amok Mi Yimtza’enu —
Will you go deep with us?

For High Holy Days this year, don’t settle for rote performance or empty ritual. We invite you to go deeper with us.

Peel back the layers of the traditional liturgy to find meaning for our lives today. Make our sacred texts come alive in new and provocative ways. Allow our soulful music to open your heart and release what no longer serves you. Deepen your connection to Spirit by transcending outdated and dissonant notions of the Divine. Create deep bonds with a community that holds you in your full complexity.

This year’s High Holy Days mark Chochmat HaLev’s 30th anniversary, in which will be kicking off a year of opportunities to deepen your spiritual practice, relationships, and service to community.

High Holy Days 5785

ROSH HASHANAH in partnership with Wilderness Torah

Erev Rosh Hashanah: Wednesday, October 2  •  7 pm
Rosh Hashanah: Thursday, October 3  •  10 am


Torah Study & Contemplative Service: Friday, October 4  •  10 am
Picnic & Tashlich Ritual: Friday, October 4  •  1 pm

YOM KIPPUR in partnership with Wilderness Torah

Erev Yom Kippur: Friday, October 11  •  6:30 pm
Yom Kippur Contemplative Service: Saturday, October 12  •  10 am
Torah and Musaf: Saturday, October 12  •  12:30 pm
Yizkor: Saturday October 12  •  5:00 pm
Neilah: Saturday October 12  •  6:30 pm


Oct 12 2024


3:15 pm


First Presbyterian Church
2407 Dana Street
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