Teshuvah, Torah, and a Schmooze
Community Conversations
Monday, September 28 @ 2:30pm
One of the highlights of our High Holy Days has always been the personal connections among people and the deep sense of community that is created when we pray together. We are deeply saddened that we cannot observe in person this year due to the pandemic. So we’ve put together this special opportunity to gather, share, and connect with other folks.
Simply choose your conversation. When you join us on September 28, you will be put in a Zoom breakout room with 4-6 others. It’s a unique opportunity to meet new friends, connect with old ones, and share what’s on your mind and in your heart.
- Connect and Schmooze – Join others in a free-flowing, unstructured connection.
- Observe Teshuva – Teshuva (returning, renewal) is a core tenet of Yom Kippur. We considerwhat we hope to return to or what we wish to begin anew. What are the core aspects of personal growth (mind, body, spirit), and community engagement that you want to aim for? What do you aspire to this year?
- Study Text – The story of Jonah: The Most Successful and Reluctant of All Prophets. Yom Kippur is the culmination of our individual struggles with the concept of Teshuvah – acknowledging our mistakes and turning back from the wrong path. Our belief is that we will be forgiven if we do this work, otherwise, we are subject to Divine judgment. How do the concepts of Judgment (Din) and Compassion (Rachamim) play out in the story of Jonah? What meaning does its unusual ending hold for you? This text can be found at www.sefaria.org/Jonah