Tashlich, Torah, and a Schmooze
Community Conversations
Saturday, September 19 @ 2:30pm
RSVP for a Zoom link
One of the highlights of our High Holy Days has always been the personal connections among people and the deep sense of community that is created when we pray together. We are deeply saddened that we cannot observe in person this year due to the pandemic. So we’ve put together this special opportunity to gather, share, and connect with other folks.
Simply choose your conversation. When you join us on September 19, you will be put in a Zoom breakout room with 4-6 others. It’s a unique opportunity to meet new friends, connect with old ones, and share what’s on your mind and in your heart.
- Connect and Schmooze – Join others in a free-flowing, unstructured connection.
- Observe Tashlich – Tashlich (from the Hebrew “to cast”) is traditionally a practice of throwing crumbs or lint from our pockets into a body of flowing water, to symbolize “casting away our sins.” This year, we will practice a virtual Tashlich by reflecting upon and sharing what we wish to let go of this year. Where and how have we missed the mark?
- Study Text – The story of Sarah and Hagar: On Rosh Hashanah, we celebrate creation – God spoke and the world came into being. Humans also have the capacity to create life and interact with each other and all living things. It is traditional to read the story of Sarah and Hagar at this time, two women giving birth to two nations. In what way do the particulars of this story disturb us? In what way do they inspire us?
This story begins at Chapter 16 in Bereishit/Genesis through Chapter 18 verse 5. The narrative veers off to Sodom and Gemorrah and picks up with Sarah and Hagar at Chapter 21:1-21. www.sefaria.org/Genesis.16