Sukkot: A Festival of Ingathering
In Exodus, Sukkot is referred to as Chag Ha’asif, the Festival of Ingathering – the feast that happens as we harvest and gather the fruits of the earth. This Sukkot, we will practice ushpizin, the calling in of our biblical and our own ancestors, as it is done on this holiday. We will bless the harvest, asking ourselves what we each have brought to fruition this year. And we will recite tefilat geshem, the request for rain, and honor all the ways water serves us.
Please bring
- Garden fruits, vegetables, and nuts to share
- A rain stick (if you have one)
- Layers (we’ll be outside and it could get chilly!)
Leah Shelleda is a published poet, a trained facilitator, and Professor Emeritus of Humanities & Philosophy at the College of Marin. Leah taught courses in World Religions and mythology, among others, for over 30 years. When she became interested in the neurology and practice of gratefulness, she studied with the Greater Good Science Center at U.C. Berkeley, and has given lectures and workshops to a variety of groups.
In-Person in the Chochmat HaLev Courtyard
Free for members; $18 for non-members and guests; donations welcome
[ Registration coming soon ]