Sukkot 2020: Dinner Under the Stars
Wednesday, October 7
6 – 7:30pm
Chochmat members – RSVP to get the link (admission included with membership)
General Public – $5
Bring your dinner out to your sukkah (or patio, porch, or even under a palm leaf in your living room) and join us for a virtual community meal. We will begin together in a short meditative discussion between Jeffrey Kessler and Lisa Strongin on the themes of this holiday and then we’ll break out into smaller groups to introduce your special guest (ushpiza) to and enjoy your dinner along with some of your Chochmat family.
Who will be your ushpiza (guest)?
Your ushpiza can be a character in a book, an iconic biblical personage, your bubbie, or anyone you want at your table. Bring a representation of that person (could be as simple as their name on a piece of paper or something more creative and elaborate) and be prepared to share the reasons you invited this person.
Sukkot asks us to begin building our temporary huts right after Yom Kippur and to grasp an etrog and lulav for blessing. We are also asked to invite our ancestors into the sukkah to as honored dinner guests or ushpazim.
Traditionally, this holiday has always been your chance to ask Abraham what he was thinking on Mt. Moriah or how Rebecca knew she had to get Isaac to give the blessing to Jacob. This is the ultimate Zoom dinner date!
From this tradition, we can find strength to meet the continuing challenges of our times. The fragility of a temporary dwelling, whether in the material or inner world is so very real for us now. Yet, this holiday commands us to engage in gratitude by focusing on joy and abundance. We are to share meals with friends and family in our sukkah, a place of constant exposure to the elements and see the beauty that surrounds us.
You are invited to live this paradox, this joyful virtual wholeness of spirit and place in community.
RSVP to get the link. This event is free to Chochmat members, but donations are always appreciated.