Shemati / Hineni: A Sacred Listening Circle

Saturday, November 25th, 6 pm (in-person only).

Shemati / Hineni: 

A Sacred Listening Circle

I hear you. And I am (still) here. 

This sacred listening circle, co-facilitated by Kohenet Keshira haLev Fife and Rebecca Schisler, is a space to explore and express the emotional reactions we are having to unfolding events in Israel/Palestine, the war in Gaza, our communities, and more.

This is not a space for debate or argument, but rather one to honor our experiences with the intention of witnessing and being witnessed by one another with care. 

All are welcome. Join us on Saturday night, November 25th from 6-8pm at Chochmat HaLev. We will engage in a ceremony of Havdallah to ritually mark the end of Shabbat and open the sacred space of this circle.


Nov 25 2023


6:00 pm
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