Contemplative Shabbat – Saturday Morning
Join us for an in-person Shabbat service. Kiddish Lunch 12:30 pm, Chesed Community Care Circle 1:00 pm.
Janet Falk and Jeffrey Kessler conduct Chochmat’s beautiful Contemplative Service, created by founding member Nan Gefen and Rabbi Jonathan Omer-man. The service follows the arc of the traditional morning Shabbat service in distilled form – with alternating periods of chant and silence, time for personal prayer, Torah teaching, and Mourner’s Kaddish.
This service will be followed by a oneg lunch sponsored by Heart 2 Heart.
Join us at 1:00 pm in the social hall and courtyard for Chesed Community Care Circle.
This month, we invite you to bring stories, songs and poetry of hope, joy, sadness, resilience and compassion to share as offerings of support during this time of collective uncertainty.
This offering is free and in-person. No registration required.
Contact Shelley Coleman heart@chochmat.org with any questions. Want to get involved a little a lot call: heart 2 heart at 510-390-6609
Our Shabbat services are supported by donation. Each donation, small and large, allows us to continue with this offering.
• Donate online chochmat.org/give
• Venmo @chochmat
• Paypal shalom@chochmat.org