Rosh HaShanah for Youth & Family
Saturday, September 19
9:30 – 10:15am
Registration coming soon
Youth Program – Included in your enrollment (you’ll automatically be RSVP’d)
Chochmat Members – $5
General Public – $10
Join Rabbi Lynn’s Rosh Hashanah celebration for youth and families and those who love them. We will co-create the New Year story of Ziz and the Gathering of Birds. This mystical tale celebrates the power of community to renew itself again and again.
You are invited to bring a shofar, percussion instrument, apples and honey, grape juice, a round sweet bread (challah), a tallit and your bird puppet,
At-Home Activities for Rosh Hashanah: (resources provided after registration)
- Bake a round challah with raisins, chocolate chips, and other fun ingredients.
- Make your own shofar
- Create a bird puppet for the story Ziz and the Gathering of Birds
- Read Ziz and the Gathering of Birds and other RH tales
- Around the Table – an at-home Rosh HaShanah service for families and friends
- Hevruta Activity: Tashlich in your neighborhood