Painting One’s Mandala as a Path to Wholeness​

with Jim Fishman

$25 per person to cover supplies and costs
Adults and teens welcome

The month of Elul is the auspicious time to search in our hearts and prepare for the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Through the medium of art in forming a person’s own Mandala, one can easefully enter the realm of the heart, to envision the direction of the soul’s forward journey in the coming year. 

Mandala is Sanskrit for “Circle,” and as a symbol, it contains seemingly “opposite” archetypal energies that can be integrated via a Circular whole through art, including our past, present, and future selves, the light and shadow.  A 2.5 hour time will be devoted to learning about the symbol of the Mandala, forming a Kavanah, a brief meditation and an hour to paint together.  Participants will have the chance to show their Mandalas and – if they wish—to share about each’s experience and hear how their painting resonates with others. 

Jim Fishman is a member of the Chochmat HaLev Art Committee and is an avid self-trained watercolor artist.


Sep 08 2024


10:00 am - 12:30 pm
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