Music Mishmar

Thursday night music mishmar is a weekly sacred music jam that rotates between different Jewish community spaces in the East Bay. The intentions of this gathering are to musically energize and connect the East Bay community, promote local music, share new music, and prepare musically and spiritually for Shabbat. Acoustic instruments are encouraged. Lyrics and chords are projected so that everybody can sing and play along.

Suggestion Donation, No registration necessary.

COVID Protocols

Our new policy effective May 19th, 2023 is as follows:

Chochmat HaLev, in consultation with our medical advisor and based on community survey results, will discontinue masking requirements for attendance at events. Masks, although not required, are recommended. We understand people will need to make their own decisions about exposure and risk based on their own personal preferences, and health status.

Chochmat HaLev will provide passive ventilation (e.g., open windows and doors under the supervision of security-trained personnel) and other equipment as available.

Chochmat HaLev will include specific guidelines for those attending in person events on our website and in announcements regarding events.
Chochmat HaLev will provide seating adjacent to a window in an end-of-the-row seat to individuals upon request.

DO NOT attend an event at CHL:

  • if you are experiencing any potential symptoms of COVID-19 or other illness
  • if you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days and have not had a negative antigen test on Day 6 or later
  • if you have had a known exposure to COVID-19 in the past 3-5 days
  • if a household member has tested positive in the last 10 days and has not had a negative test on Day 6 or later


Nov 07 2024


8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
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