Meditation of Presence – Elul
with Janet Falk
Wednesday, August 26, 8:15 – 9am
Elul dates: August 26, September 2, 9, and 16 (September dates with Jeffrey Kessler)
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During the month of Elul we will focus on preparing our hearts for the High Holy Days. This is the time that we are called – both individually and in community – to make teshuva, to return to our truest and best selves. Each mediation session will highlight teaching on key aspects of the teshuvah journey: returning to essence, repairing relationships, extending and receiving forgiveness, deepening compassion for self and others, and alignment with the Divine.
Join us as we sit together in silence, after a brief teaching on meditation practice in connection this moment in the Jewish sacred calendar.
Janet Falk has been associated with Chochmat HaLev since 2006, when she started participating in Monday Night Meditation. She has been a regular meditator since that time and has co-led the monthly Contemplative Shabbat morning service for several years, along with Jeffrey Kessler. She has also served on the board of Chochmat HaLev, was its President for 2 years, and continues as chair of the High Holy Days Committee..
This program is supported by donations. Every contribution, large or small, allows us to keep bringing you meditation, services, and much more.
• Donate online chochmat.org/give
• Venmo @chochmat
• Paypal shalom@chochmat.org
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Meeting ID: 520 703 203