Kabbalat Shabbat
Friday, August 16th, 6:00pm
Join Chochmat HaLev for a Kabbalat Shabbat (Welcoming Shabbat) service, a mystical tradition full of embodied prayer, soulful singing, ecstatic dancing, guided meditation, sharing of ancestral wisdom, and connection in intergenerational community. This service will be led by Zvika Krieger, Lior Tsarfaty and special guests.
Service will start promptly at 6pm — please arrive a few minutes early to check in and be seated.
Join us for a potluck dinner/oneg after services, followed by a special HeartSpace circle at 8pm: Solidarity in Israel/Palestine: An evening of stories, songs, and processing with Noa Yammer. It has been a bewildering, enraging, and unbearable experience to witness the events unfolding in Palestine and Israel over the last ten months. Many of us have felt frozen, overwhelmed, and heartbroken as we contemplate how to show up to this reality. We’re inviting you, from wherever you find yourself on the ideological spectrum, to show up with an open heart – to listen and be heard. To hold the devastation along with the possibility for change, both collectively and within our own beings. See below for more details.
If you’re planning to attend in-person, please register in advance.
If you’re planning to attend via Zoom, the link is here: https://zoom.us/j/87810404956
During service
Childcare is available. Please register so we know you’re coming!
After service
Enjoy a delicious potluck oneg! Please bring a vegetarian dish to share and come schmooze with our beloved community!
8:00pm – HeartSpace circle Solidarity in Israel/Palestine: An evening of stories, songs, and processing with Noa Yammer
Our intention for the evening is to create a space where we can be together in our pain, grief, fear, contradictions, anger, confusion, questions, helplessness, and hope.
8:15-9:30 Noa’s stories + songs
9:30-10:30: Processing and reflecting circle
For the first part of the evening, we’ll listen to Noa’s stories and songs about her journey of radical transformation from her Religious Zionism upbringing and move to Israel as a teenager to the justice activism she does currently, as well as her last 10 months of living in Israel/Palestine while being part of the anti-war movement. We’ll dive into what it’s like to hop between worlds while holding compassion for different perspectives and experiences. We’ll get to hear of Noa’s powerful moments of awakening – when cracks first began forming in her worldview, her journey from silence, to voice, to uplifting others’ voices – and be invited to sit in the contradictions of this time. And, since this is Chochmat, we’ll sing together, and be invited into a prayer to take down the walls.
The second part of the evening will be an optional processing and reflecting circle led by Noa. We’ll engage in self reflection, leaning into our confusion and discomfort with compassion, and sit with the questions of what each of our roles are in this moment, how the current realities intersect with our personal and political journeys, and how our identities and histories may impact how we’re able or wanting to respond. We’ll make room to explore the questions, confusions, contradictions that so many of us are holding.

Noa Yammer is a facilitator, musician, and solidarity activist dedicated to fostering peace and justice in Israel/Palestine. Originally from the United States, she has called Israel/Palestine home for the past two decades.
Over the course of the last decade, Noa has embarked on a transformative journey, unraveling the Religious Zionist ideology ingrained in her upbringing. She now channels her energies into justice and bridge-building, anti-occupation activism, striving to build a more equitable society through facilitation, training, coaching, storytelling, and community organizing.
Our Shabbat services are supported by donation. Each donation, small and large, allows us to continue with this offering. Please contribute when you register, or at one of the links below:
• Donate online chochmat.org/give
• Venmo @chochmat
• Paypal shalom@chochmat.org
Join with video https://zoom.us/j/87810404956
Meeting ID 878 1040 4956
Passcode 972073
Join by phone 1-669-900-6833, 1-346-248-7799, 1-253-215-8782
Meeting ID 878 1040 4956
Passcode 972073
Notice: Our Zoom recordings are for archival purposes only, and therefore are not available to the public.
Physical Access
Entrance to the Sanctuary is at the corner of Prince St. and Fulton St.. There are 8 steps into the main entrance of the Sanctuary. There is an accessible ramp at a separate entrance on Fulton St. Please let a volunteer or staff know if you need to use this entrance; you can also email us in advance at shalom@chochmat.org
We have folding chairs (some with padding, some without), pillows, and floor cushions available for you to use, along with limited bench seating in the back of the Sanctuary.
COVID Protocols
Our Covid policy effective May 19th, 2023 is as follows:
Chochmat HaLev, in consultation with our medical advisor and based on community survey results, will discontinue masking requirements for attendance at events. Masks, although not required, are recommended. We understand people will need to make their own decisions about exposure and risk based on their own personal preferences, and health status.
Chochmat HaLev will provide passive ventilation (e.g., open windows and doors under the supervision of security-trained personnel) and other equipment as available.
Chochmat HaLev will include specific guidelines for those attending in person events on our website and in announcements regarding events.
Chochmat HaLev will provide seating adjacent to a window in an end-of-the-row seat to individuals upon request.
DO NOT attend an event at CHL:
if you are experiencing any potential symptoms of COVID-19 or other illness
if you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days and have not had a negative antigen test on Day 6 or later
if you have had a known exposure to COVID-19 in the past 3-5 days
if a household member has tested positive in the last 10 days and has not had a negative test on Day 6 or later
By attending this event, you consent that recordings or photos of you may be used by Chochmat HaLev. If you have any questions, please contact shalom@chochmat.org.