Erev Yom Kippur

In partnership with Wilderness Torah

Friday, October 11   •  6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Service Leaders: Zvika Krieger| Lior Tsarfaty
Cantorial Soloist: Daniela Gesundheit
Musicians: Lauren Arrow | Michaelle Goerlitz | Irene Sazar | Don Benedictson

First Presbyterian Church
2407 Dana Street, Berkeley CA 94704

The turn inward begins with Kol Nidre, a gentle shift into the forgiveness/Selichot prayers and deep offerings for all that has been lost.

For more information about our services, check out our main High Holy Days information page.

Multi Access Locations
All Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services will be live at First Presbyterian Church in Berkeley, CA and livestreamed via Zoom. Recordings will not be available after services. Sorry, no photography or video allowed.


עָמוק מְי יִמצָאֶֽנּו
Amok Mi Yimtza’enu —
Will you go deep with us?

For High Holy Days this year, don’t settle for rote performance or empty ritual. We invite you to go deeper with us.

Peel back the layers of the traditional liturgy to find meaning for our lives today. Make our sacred texts come alive in new and provocative ways. Allow our soulful music to open your heart and release what no longer serves you. Deepen your connection to Spirit by transcending outdated and dissonant notions of the Divine. Create deep bonds with a community that holds you in your full complexity.

This year’s High Holy Days mark Chochmat HaLev’s 30th anniversary, in which will be kicking off a year of opportunities to deepen your spiritual practice, relationships, and service to community.

High Holy Days 5785

ROSH HASHANAH in partnership with Wilderness Torah

Erev Rosh Hashanah: Wednesday, October 2  •  7 pm
Rosh Hashanah Services & Community Picnic: Thursday, October 3  •  10 am


Torah Study & Contemplative Service: Friday, October 4  •  10 am
Picnic & Tashlich Ritual: Friday, October 4  •  1 pm

YOM KIPPUR in partnership with Wilderness Torah

Erev Yom Kippur: Friday, October 11  •  6:30 pm
Yom Kippur Contemplative Service: Saturday, October 12  •  10 am
Torah and Musaf: Saturday, October 12  •  12:30 pm
Yizkor: Saturday October 12  •  5:00 pm
Neilah: Saturday October 12  •  6:30 pm


Oct 11 2024


6:30 pm - 9:00 pm


First Presbyterian Church
2407 Dana Street, Berkeley CA 94704
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