Embodied Torah Study Group
How does it feel to be wrapped by a tallis? What happens when you use your hands to draw the light of the Shabbat candles toward you? Or cover your eyes to say the Shema? We will deepen into questions like these in Embodied Torah Study Group, a facilitated practice lab to explore the somatic, psychological, and imaginal dimensions of basic Jewish practices and texts. By taking up simple, bite-sized pieces of ancient wisdom from davening, liturgical poetry, kabbalah, torah, and Jewish lifecycle practices, we will use physical movement and art-making to enliven our embodied connection to Jewish mystical traditions.
Facilitators: Sessions will be thoughtfully curated by Rabbi Diane Elliot and Zacha Belok
Open to all — no prior experience needed.
Tuesdays 6-8pm, bi-weekly — Sessions will be in the sanctuary on:
- March 25
- April 8
- April 29
- May 6
- May 27
- June 3
- June 17
Cost and Commitment:
DROP- INS WELCOME! Pay at the door!
- $27/session – non-members
- $18/session – members
- $12/session – low income
- $170 – non-members
- $114 – members
- $76 – low-income

Rabbi Diane Elliot (she/her) brings more than forty years’ experience as a performing dance artist, contact improviser, and somatic movement therapist and teacher to her rabbinate. A certified practitioner and teacher of Body-Mind Centering®, she received ordination and a Masters of Rabbinic Studies degree from the Academy for Jewish Religion, California in 2006 and serves diverse communities as a ritual leader, teacher, and spiritual director, both in the San Francisco Bay Area and nationally. Rabbi Diane is an innovator of embodied Jewish practice, having created and directed the ALEPH Alliance for Jewish Renewal’s Embodying Spirit, Inspiriting Body Jewish leadership training program. In addition to serving on the ALEPH staff, she is a founding member of the Embodied Jewish Wisdom Network; serves as a founding steward and faculty member of the Taproot Community of Practice; and has published four books of sacred poetry, most recently Traces (Hakodesh Press, 2024). To learn more about her work visit www.whollypresent.org

Zacha Belok (he/him) is a life-long dancer, educator, and somatic practitioner. Based in the Bay Area, Zacha sees clients worldwide as an Integrative Somatic Coach, and mentors youth with Wilderness Torah. His work draws inspiration from nature, somatic psychology, and expressive arts therapy and focuses on what makes it safe to turn toward one’s inner life. He practices in the lineage of The Tamalpa Institute and The Discipline of Authentic Movement. Zacha guides non-profit leaders nationwide through the Leadership Exchange and Coaching Project, a program of the Northeast Regional Child Advocacy Center and the US Department of Justice. You can learn more about his work at zachabelokcoaching.com.