Monday Night Meditation – Elul
Intimacy and Connection: An Invitation
with Jueli Garfinkle
Monday, August 24, 7 – 8:30pm
Join by Zoom
Join the contemplative community at Chochmat HaLev for an intimate evening of meditation, chant, and sharing. The month preceding Rosh Hashanah provides greater personal access to the Divine than at any other time of year.
We will engage the potentially transformative journey that leads us into the Jewish new year of 5781. The evening of meditation will offer accessible practices to help open your heart, connect to the Divine, and encourage meaningful contact during these unprecedented times.
Teachings are based in the Jewish mystical tradition and calendar, and always include meaningful everyday practices to cultivate presence, joy, and connection. No previous experience necessary.
Jueli Garfinkle is certified in Jewish meditation and mysticism and leads ongoing meditation groups, workshops, and retreats throughout the Bay Area. Her classes are based on the Jewish mystical tradition and calendar, and always include meaningful everyday practices to cultivate presence, joy, and connection. She was the founding publisher and editor of Jewish Spirituality: The Magazine, and the co-author of Everyday Adventures for the Soul: 52 Simple and Surprising Ways to Wow Your Spirit
Our meditation program is supported entirely by donations. Each contribution, small and large, allows us to keep bringing you meaningful offerings.
• Donate online chochmat.org/give
• Venmo @chochmat (phone 510-704-1767)
• Paypal shalom@chochmat.org
If you are new to Zoom, join early and follow the prompts to download the free software.
Join with video: https://zoom.us/j/848045873
Join by phone: 1-669-900-6833, or 1-346-248-7799, or 1-253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 848-045-873