“Deli Man” – A Nosh & Schmooze
with ….
Erik Greenberg Anjou, Deli Man director
Peter Levitt, Executive Chef and Co-Owner of Saul’s Deli, Berkeley
and Joel ben Izzy, author and storyteller, as the MC
Tuesday, March 16 | 7-8:30pm | on Zoom
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For some, delicatessen food is close to a religious experience.
Ready for a little fun? Join us for an evening with Deli Man director, Erik Greenberg Anjou, and Peter Levitt of Saul’s Deli. Erik and Peter will entertain us with some stories and then we’ll break into small groups to talk about the film and share memories of our own deli escapades. (B.Y.O.C.L. – bring your own chopped liver!)
Haven’t seen Deli Man yet? Watch it at home before we meet. You’ll laugh your way through hilarious stories of Jewish delicatessens, drool over the mouthwatering food, and hear some famous deli patrons kvell about the pastrami. (It’s also ok to come without having seen the film.)
Check out the film trailer
Nu, nosh while you watch and nosh while you schmooze! Grab some take out from Saul’s Deli, and if you don’t live nearby, our friends over at KlezCalifornia have put together this list of Ashkenazi food in the greater Bay Area.
Where to rent Deli Man
Apple TV ($3.99) | YouTube ($4.99) | Amazon Prime Video ($3.99) | Vudu ($2.99) | Google Play ($3.99)
About Deli Man
For some, delicatessen food is close to a religious experience. A tender, crumbling cut of corned beef steeped in its juices. A full-bodied garlic dill pickle. Spicy brown mustard with grain. A blintz that melts in your mouth like a creamsicle on a summer’s day. Recipes and culinary garnishes from Hungary, Poland, Russia, Romania that flowed into late 19th and early 20th century America and soon became part of an American culinary and cultural vernacular – Deli.