Elul Monday Night Meditation

Please join Chochmat HaLev’s Monday Night Meditation Group for a special Elul kick-off to the Days of Awe, and a year of Jewish Contemplative Practice. As the month of Elul invites us into an encounter with Teshuvah (Returning/Forgiveness), we will cycle through four levels of soul to foster reconnection and renewal in all the worlds we’re touching.

Week 1 (August 29): Atzilut – Yechidah (Universal)

Week 2 (September 5): Yetzirah – Ruach (Community)

Week 3 (September 12): Asiyah – Nefesh (Self)

Week 4 (September 19): Bri’ah – Neshamah (Ancestors) 


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Join with video:  https://zoom.us/j/848045873?pwd=bHpOZEpwTGJkbDNRLzNoVjNoZ01vZz09

Join by phone: 1-669-900-6833, or 1-346-248-7799, or 1-253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 848-045-873

Passcode: 847352

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