For our High Holy Day services at First Presbyterian Church, we will offer a designated “Masked Only” area near an open door for people wanting to be masked and sitting near other masked people. There will be signage in this area. Please ask an usher if you need help finding this section.
If you are planning to attend Yom Kippur services in-person, we strongly encourage you to test beforehand. If you test positive or have any symptoms at all, please stay home and join us on Zoom. We are expecting a full house on Yom Kippur, so we strongly encourage wearing a mask to keep you and our community healthy.
Chochmat HaLev’s general COVID policy, effective May 19th, 2023 is as follows:
Chochmat HaLev, in consultation with our medical advisor and based on community survey results, will discontinue masking requirements for attendance at events. Masks, although not required, are recommended. We understand people will need to make their own decisions about exposure and risk based on their own personal preferences, and health status.
Chochmat HaLev will provide passive ventilation (e.g., open windows and doors under the supervision of security-trained personnel) and other equipment as available.
Chochmat HaLev will include specific guidelines for those attending in person events on our website and in announcements regarding events.
Chochmat HaLev will provide seating adjacent to a window in an end-of-the-row seat to individuals upon request.
DO NOT attend an event at Chochmat HaLev:
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