Blessing for Zvika from Rabbi Marcia Prager, Founding Dean of the Aleph Ordination Program

Rabbi Elazar ben Shammua said:

Y’hi ch’vod talmidcha chaviv alecha k’shelcha

Let the honor of your student be as dear to you as your own,

u-ch’vod chavercha k’mora rab’cha

and the honor of your colleague as the reverence for your


u-mora rab’cha k’mora shamayim

and the reverence for your teacher as the reverence of heaven. Avot 4:12


My beloved talmid, chaver and teacher – in reverent gratitude and praise for you at this celebration. I send greetings to you, the extended Chochmat HaLev community and all who have gathered to mark this auspicious moment.


The Talmud (Taanis 7a) quotes Rabbi Chanina who declared:

“I have learned much from my teachers, more from my colleagues and most from my students.”

May you always be as privileged as I have been in knowing you, to have students, colleagues, and teachers as generous, humble and gifted as you are. I pray that I will continue to learn with you – and from you. May you be blessed with strength, robust health, a heart that overflows with love and compassion, and inspiration that guides you well – and all whom you serve so generously.

Thank you for your companionship on the path, as together with all who gather today, we strive to co-create the caliber of world we aspire to live in.

Brachas to you!
Rabbi Marcia 


Rabbi Marcia (she/her) serves as the visionary leader and founding Dean (retired) of the ALEPH Ordination Program, where she currently holds the esteemed role of Mashgiach Ruchani (Spiritual Guide). Reb Marcia authored The Path of Blessing, a contemporary Hasidic text delving into the profound Jewish practice of blessing. As a CLAL Rabbis Without Borders Rabbinic Fellow, her contributions have resonated widely, leading to her recognition as one of the Top Fifty American Female Rabbis by the Jewish Daily Forward in 2010. Reb Marcia is a Co-Director of the award-winning Davennen Leader’s Training Institute, where she coaches rabbis, cantors and lay leaders of all denominations.

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