Yizkor & Neilah
Wednesday, October 5 • 5:00 – 7:45 pm
Service Leaders: Zvika Krieger | Lior Tsarfaty | Sarah Elise Rund
Guest Cantorial Soloist: Ariel Hendelman
Musicians: Kaila Flexer | Michaelle Goerlitz | Doni Benedictson
Yizkor: A gentle shift from grief to purpose as we turn from mourning to dancing
Neilah: We have turned inward, reached outward,
and stepped forward on the authentic path toward wholeness
The gates are closing. Have we done the sacred work of teshuvah? Are we ready to build an ethical, meaningful life and engage in restorative work? Our final prayers and reflections together invite us to release an exuberant ecstatic “Yes!” Together, we can meet the challenges and opportunities of this New Year, panim al panim, face to face, with the Divine and with each other!
Multi Access Locations
All Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services will be live at First Presbyterian Church in Berkeley, CA and livestreamed via Zoom
High Holy Days 5783
Tuesday, October 4 | Erev Yom Kippur »
Wednesday, October 5 | Yom Kippur Day »
Wednesday, October 5 | Torah and Musaf »
Wednesday, October 5 | Yizkor & Neilah