Erev Yom Kippur
Tuesday, October 4 • 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Service Leaders: Zvika Krieger| Lior Tsarfaty | Sarah Eilse Rund
Guest Cantorial Soloist: Ariel Hendelman
Musicians: Kaila Flexer | Michaelle Goerlitz | Doni Benedictson
Forgiveness flows from humility;
the cracking open of our hardened shells
Personal growth begins when we open to the message and melody of Kol Nidre, the compelling acknowledgment of our transgressions as human beings. Then a gentle shift into the Selichot forgiveness prayers, a passage that calls on us to be as generous toward ourselves as we are to one another. This gate may creak as we push it open. It has been a while since we were surrounded by friends and fellow travelers on the compassionate path toward wholeness.
Multi Access Locations
All Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services will be live at First Presbyterian Church in Berkeley, CA and livestreamed via Zoom
High Holy Days 5783
Tuesday, October 4 | Erev Yom Kippur »
Wednesday, October 5 | Yom Kippur Day »
Wednesday, October 5 | Torah and Musaf »
Wednesday, October 5 | Yizkor & Neilah »